
Keeping Watch

President Barack Obama made history Tuesday when he was inaugurated as the country's first African-American Commander-in-chief.

It was an undeniably great moment for America and it makes me immensely proud of my country.

That said...

There is a feeling among many of my liberal friends that Pres. Obama can do no wrong.

There is an equally strong feeling among my conservative friends that Obama will do wrong and that there is no one watching that will call him on it.

As a media professional, I take seriously the news media's role as watchdog. The press should be the voice of the people and keep the government responsible for its actions. I'm hoping that it will not be the case that with our new government that the media grow indolent in their role. Keep this government liable for its actions and inaction. Tell the truth even when it hurts — especially when it hurts. Do not gloss over the bad and do not pass over the good. Stand up also for the more than 46 percent of the country who voted for someone else as you celebrate for the 53 percent who did vote for Pres. Obama. Do not forget for whom you work. Take pride in not being starstruck and in not being the president's favorite or go-to reporter/paper/station/Web site. Keep the sunshine bright.

The Obama Presidency so far
The Good: 1. Transparency
The Bad: 2. Transparency?


One quick personal note is this story about Pres. Obama's signing of an order to reverse the Bush and Reagan policy that withheld federal funds from international groups that provide abortions or information on obtaining abortions.

What this appears to mean (and will definitely mean to posturing Republican leaders) is that the door has been opened for U.S. taxpayer money to go toward abortions in foreign countries. This does not appear to jibe with his contention that he will seek to lessen the number of abortions. However, these international groups may also contribute to AIDS education and care as well as birth control (which, if used, could ostensibly decrease the number of abortions).

The alarm will be raised that this is essentially forcing taxpaying citizens who view abortion as an absolute moral travesty to support it financially (clearly against their religious beliefs). However, the same could be justly said by people who do not support the war on terror or the death penalty (both involve death under obviously different circumstances). If I had my will, I would keep the so-called "Mexico City policy" in play. Unfortunately, I am not the only taxpayer in the country.

The issue will come up again in the next federal election cycle, and, to be honest, it may affect my vote. I am in the unfortunate position of disagreeing on several major issues with both parties, and many of my points of disagreement come down to matters of moral absolutes. I consider myself an independent with strong opinions.

I hope to find Pres. Obama's term more inspiring and hopeful than I do today. As with most voters, I am sure that I will see things I agree with and things I do not. I will not, however, try to brush off the fact that this most recent action, although expected, is highly disappointing.

Here is to better days and the hope that some good will come of this.

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