

• If it's going to snow, I wish it would just quit wasting my time.

• Last week we mourned the passing of the world's oldest person. The week before that we mourned the passing of the world's oldest person. The week before that we mourned the passing of the world's oldest person. The week before that we mourned the passing of the world's oldest person. The week before that we mourned...

• ESPN.com is reporting this week on the most novel use of the iPod to come along since it was discovered that iPods can cure cancer while solving world hunger. Apparently pitchers for the Colorado Rockies are using their video iPods between innings to study up on their upcoming opponents. Judging by some of the Rockies pitchers' WHIPs, perhaps they were actually catching up on episodes of "The Office."

• A little known fact about this year's "American Idol" is that it is being broadcast from Malebolge, with only a slight delay. Watch for it tonight at 8 p.m./7 p.m. Central/6:66 p.m. Eighth Circle.

Hillary Clinton brought Cesar Borja to last week's State of the Union Address. She's trying to appeal to the Machiavellian voters.

• Pitchers & Catchers: 14 days.

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